Support Dutch Fork Choral Society – Midlands Gives on May 7, 2024 (see the Special Timing)
Dutch Fork Choral Society (DFCS) is a long time participant in Midlands Gives, which is a region-wide initiative that brings the community together to raise money and awareness for local nonprofits in 11 Midlands counties. In addition to being a year-round resource for donors across the Midlands, the initiative amplifies donations during an annual 18-hour online giving day on the first Tuesday of May. Since its inception in 2014, the event has raised $24 million for local nonprofits.
Midlands Gives is on May 7th this year and DFCS wants to try to qualify for one of the special prizes. While your gracious donations are appreciated at any time and on any day, we are asking something special this year. There will be five “power hours” when $2000 special prizes will be awarded to the small, medium, and large nonprofit with the most unique donors.
Our chosen hour is 10-10:59 am. As you are willing and able, please log onto the Midlands Gives DFCS Donation Page and make your donation during the 10 o’clock hour on May 7th.
Thank you on behalf of a very grateful DFCS!