Angelic Voices

7:00 PM, April 21, 2017 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
6952 St. Andrews Rd, Columbia SC
Suzanne Ringer, conductor
Laura Nevitt, conductor
William Douglas, accompanist
Requiem, Gabriel Faure (1845-1924)
- Introit and Kyrie
- Offertory
- Sanctus with CrossRoads Intermediate Honors Chorus
- Pie Jesu
- Libera Me
- In Paradisum with CrossRoads Intermediate Honors Chorus
Selections by CrossRoads Intermediate Honors Chorus
Laura Nevitt, conductor
- The Sally Gardens, Benjamin Britten
- Windy Nights, Kirk Aamot
- Homeward Bound Marta Keen, arr. Jay Althouse
- Alleluia, W.A. Mozart
Dutch Fork Choral Society
- Sing Me To Heaven, Daniel Gathrop (1949-)
- In That Great Gittin’ Up Morning, Jester Hairston (1901-2000)